Now is a good time to warm your business a little. Reseller hosting is a profitable business idea, and you can certainly be a reseller host with less efforts and revenue. Reseller web hosting is quite popular nowadays. It is a type of web hosting in which the account owner can use his own resources to host websites on behalf of third parties, such as their clients. The reseller buys the services from the host and then resells them to consumers is where the term "resell" originates. A reseller web hosting plan is ideal for allowing a large amount of storage and bandwidth to be used by a customer in whatever way they choose. Reseller hosting implies setting up a lot of websites with their domains or obtaining access to large storage spaces is possible. It also allows customers to offload their bandwidth and storage to build private web hosting firms that they may sell to friends, family, acquaintances, and even strangers on the internet. The difference between reseller hosting and having your own server: Purchasing your own server requires you to buy all of the physical infrastructure, the software to run your hardware. Reseller hosting requires you to simply buy the services of a web hosting provider and then resell the services to end-users without the need to purchase more sturdy and robust hardware for your hosting needs. Another significant distinction between the two is the cost of purchasing and maintaining your own server. What is reseller hosting? Reseller web hosting is a hosting type in which several hosting providers purchase reseller hosting packages from a single hosting provider. Furthermore, they sell it to their consumers. Reseller hosting is when an individual or organization rents or purchases bandwidth and disc space from a web hosting expert cooperative and then resells it to a third party. It's possible to have 05 to any number of different cPanel accounts depending on the reseller package you choose. If you have clients that want both a domain and web hosting, you may acquire a managed reseller hosting plan and sell it as a package along with other services. Some of the advantages of reseller hosting: Reduced cost  In reseller hosting, customers get to acquire bandwidth and storage at a wholesale price. It means anything they sell will either make half or full profit once the resale of internet hosting services begins. Managed hosting In reseller hosting, all support and assistance inquiries are handled by the reseller company. Customers that purchase reseller internet hosting do not have to deal with customer care. Apart from convincing them to place a purchase order with the service, it's not necessary to take care of any prospects. Account options Some reseller accounts enable upgrades for additional benefits such as more storage and bandwidth. Some enhanced service options may include unlimited storage and bandwidth, which may boost a reseller's earnings potential to infinity if they put in the effort to obtain the needed internet hosting available to their customers. Reliability With any service provider, reliability is always a problem. Resellers can support their customers by providing enough bandwidth and storage to help them cut down on costs. The best reseller host in the market: MilesWeb MilesWeb is an Indian web hosting firm established in 2012. The company furnishes hosting plans under shared, linuxVPS hosting, reseller, dedicated, WordPress, cloud hosting. They are best known for providing the most reliable web hosting plans and services. MilesWeb, to date, have 30,000+ happy customers. They provide 24/7/365 customer support and the highest uptime guarantee. Also, you get a 30-day money-back guarantee with all the best reseller hosting India plans. Reseller hosting plans by MilesWeb: MilesWeb offers reseller hosting plans for Linux and Windows applications. Reseller hosting plans for Linux OS: Micro, Startup, Grow and Expand are the four Linux reseller hosting plans by MilesWeb. Resources in the base plan Micro: 5 cPanel Accounts 10GB SSD Disk Space Host Unlimited Domains Unlimited Bandwidth Free SSL Certificate cPanel + WHM Softaculous Unlimited MySQL DB's Unlimited Email Accounts Resources in the Expand plan: 30 cPanel Accounts 100GB SSD Disk Space Host Unlimited Domains Unlimited Bandwidth Free SSL Certificate cPanel + WHM Softaculous Unlimited MySQL DB's Unlimited Email Accounts Reseller hosting plans for Windows OS: Neo, Entry, Smart and Plus are the four Windows reseller hosting plans by MilesWeb. Resources in the base plan Neo: 10 Plesk Accounts 20GB SSD Space Unlimited Bandwidth Free SSL Certificate Plesk Onyx 17.x 1-Click App Installer Unlimited SQL DB's Unlimited Email Accounts Windows Server 2019 Resources in the Plus plan: 60 Plesk Accounts 200GB SSD Space Unlimited Bandwidth Free SSL Certificate Plesk Onyx 17.x 1-Click App Installer Unlimited SQL DB's Unlimited Email Accounts Windows Server 2019 Perks of buying reseller hosting plans: Free Migration Free SSL Certificate Host Unlimited Websites 100% White Labeled 100% SSD Storage Web Host Manager (WHM) cPanel Control Panel One-Click Installer Free Website Builder Datacenter Choice Malware Scan & Protection Email Service To conclude: With MilesWeb, the registration process for reseller programs is simple. They provide a variety of special offers on reseller hosting plans on both the Linux and Windows platforms. Starting your own hosting company will cost both time and money, and success will not come without planning. However, if you stick with MilesWeb long enough, the outcome will surely appear.

MilesWeb Review – Reseller Hosting Plans for Your Startup


Now is a good time to warm your business a little. Reseller hosting is a profitable business idea, and you can certainly be a reseller host with less efforts and revenue.

Reseller web hosting is quite popular nowadays. It is a type of web hosting in which the account owner can use his own resources to host websites on behalf of third parties, such as their clients. The reseller buys the services from the host and then resells them to consumers is where the term “resell” originates.<p style="text-align: justify;">Now is a good time to warm your business a little. Reseller hosting is a profitable business idea, and you can certainly be a reseller host with less efforts and revenue.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">Reseller web hosting is quite popular nowadays. It is a type of web hosting in which the account owner can use his own resources to host websites on behalf of third parties, such as their clients. The reseller buys the services from the host and then resells them to consumers is where the term "resell" originates.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">A reseller web hosting plan is ideal for allowing a large amount of storage and bandwidth to be used by a customer in whatever way they choose. Reseller hosting implies setting up a lot of websites with their domains or obtaining access to large storage spaces is possible. It also allows customers to offload their bandwidth and storage to build private web hosting firms that they may sell to friends, family, acquaintances, and even strangers on the internet.</p> <h2 style="text-align: justify;"><strong>The difference between reseller hosting and having your own server:</strong></h2> <p style="text-align: justify;">Purchasing your own server requires you to buy all of the physical infrastructure, the software to run your hardware. Reseller hosting requires you to simply buy the services of a web hosting provider and then resell the services to end-users without the need to purchase more sturdy and robust hardware for your hosting needs.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">Another significant distinction between the two is the cost of purchasing and maintaining your own server.</p> <h2 style="text-align: justify;"><strong>What is reseller hosting?</strong></h2> <p style="text-align: justify;">Reseller web hosting is a hosting type in which several hosting providers purchase reseller hosting packages from a single hosting provider. Furthermore, they sell it to their consumers.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">Reseller hosting is when an individual or organization rents or purchases bandwidth and disc space from a web hosting expert cooperative and then resells it to a third party.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">It’s possible to have 05 to any number of different cPanel accounts depending on the reseller package you choose.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">If you have clients that want both a domain and web hosting, you may acquire a managed reseller hosting plan and sell it as a package along with other services.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Some of the advantages of reseller hosting:</strong></p> <h2 style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Reduced cost </strong></h2> <p style="text-align: justify;">In reseller hosting, customers get to acquire bandwidth and storage at a wholesale price. It means anything they sell will either make half or full profit once the resale of internet hosting services begins.</p> <h2 style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Managed hosting</strong></h2> <p style="text-align: justify;">In reseller hosting, all support and assistance inquiries are handled by the reseller company. Customers that purchase reseller internet hosting do not have to deal with customer care. Apart from convincing them to place a purchase order with the service, it’s not necessary to take care of any prospects.</p> <h2 style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Account options</strong></h2> <p style="text-align: justify;">Some reseller accounts enable upgrades for additional benefits such as more storage and bandwidth. Some enhanced service options may include unlimited storage and bandwidth, which may boost a reseller’s earnings potential to infinity if they put in the effort to obtain the needed internet hosting available to their customers.</p> <h2 style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Reliability</strong></h2> <p style="text-align: justify;">With any service provider, reliability is always a problem. Resellers can support their customers by providing enough bandwidth and storage to help them cut down on costs.</p> <h2 style="text-align: justify;"><strong>The best reseller host in the market: MilesWeb</strong></h2> <p style="text-align: justify;">MilesWeb is an Indian web hosting firm established in 2012. The company furnishes hosting plans under shared, <strong><a href="">linuxVPS hosting</a>,</strong> reseller, dedicated, WordPress, cloud hosting. They are best known for providing the most reliable web hosting plans and services. MilesWeb, to date, have 30,000+ happy customers. They provide 24/7/365 customer support and the highest uptime guarantee. Also, you get a 30-day money-back guarantee with all the <a href=""><strong>best reseller hosting India</strong> </a>plans.</p> <h2 style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Reseller hosting plans by MilesWeb:</strong></h2> <p style="text-align: justify;">MilesWeb offers reseller hosting plans for <strong>Linux and Windows</strong> applications.</p> <h2 style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Reseller hosting plans for Linux OS:</strong></h2> <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Micro, Startup, Grow and Expand</strong> are the four Linux reseller hosting plans by MilesWeb.</p> <h2 style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Resources in the base plan</strong> <strong>Micro</strong>:</h2> <ul style="text-align: justify;"> <li>5 cPanel Accounts</li> <li>10GB SSD Disk Space</li> <li>Host Unlimited Domains</li> <li>Unlimited Bandwidth</li> <li>Free SSL Certificate</li> <li>cPanel + WHM</li> <li>Softaculous</li> <li>Unlimited MySQL DB’s</li> <li>Unlimited Email Accounts</li> </ul> <h2 style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Resources in the Expand</strong><strong> </strong><strong>plan:</strong></h2> <ul style="text-align: justify;"> <li>30 cPanel Accounts</li> <li>100GB SSD Disk Space</li> <li>Host Unlimited Domains</li> <li>Unlimited Bandwidth</li> <li>Free SSL Certificate</li> <li>cPanel + WHM</li> <li>Softaculous</li> <li>Unlimited MySQL DB’s</li> <li>Unlimited Email Accounts</li> </ul> <h2 style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Reseller hosting plans for Windows OS:</strong></h2> <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Neo, Entry, Smart and Plus </strong>are the four Windows reseller hosting plans by MilesWeb.</p> <h2 style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Resources in the base plan Neo</strong>:</h2> <ul style="text-align: justify;"> <li>10 Plesk Accounts</li> <li>20GB SSD Space</li> <li>Unlimited Bandwidth</li> <li>Free SSL Certificate</li> <li>Plesk Onyx 17.x</li> <li>1-Click App Installer</li> <li>Unlimited SQL DB’s</li> <li>Unlimited Email Accounts</li> <li>Windows Server 2019</li> </ul> <h2 style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Resources in the Plus</strong><strong> </strong><strong>plan:</strong></h2> <ul style="text-align: justify;"> <li>60 Plesk Accounts</li> <li>200GB SSD Space</li> <li>Unlimited Bandwidth</li> <li>Free SSL Certificate</li> <li>Plesk Onyx 17.x</li> <li>1-Click App Installer</li> <li>Unlimited SQL DB’s</li> <li>Unlimited Email Accounts</li> <li>Windows Server 2019</li> </ul> <h2 style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Perks of buying reseller hosting plans:</strong></h2> <ol style="text-align: justify;"> <li>Free Migration</li> <li>Free SSL Certificate</li> <li>Host Unlimited Websites</li> <li>100% White Labeled</li> <li>100% SSD Storage</li> <li>Web Host Manager (WHM)</li> <li>cPanel Control Panel</li> <li>One-Click Installer</li> <li>Free Website Builder</li> <li>Datacenter Choice</li> <li>Malware Scan & Protection</li> <li>Email Service</li> </ol> <h2 style="text-align: justify;"><strong>To conclude:</strong></h2> <p style="text-align: justify;">With MilesWeb, the registration process for reseller programs is simple. They provide a variety of special offers on reseller hosting plans on both the Linux and Windows platforms.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">Starting your own hosting company will cost both time and money, and success will not come without planning. However, if you stick with MilesWeb long enough, the outcome will surely appear.</p>” width=”875″ height=”561″></p>
<p style=A reseller web hosting plan is ideal for allowing a large amount of storage and bandwidth to be used by a customer in whatever way they choose. Reseller hosting implies setting up a lot of websites with their domains or obtaining access to large storage spaces is possible. It also allows customers to offload their bandwidth and storage to build private web hosting firms that they may sell to friends, family, acquaintances, and even strangers on the internet.

The difference between reseller hosting and having your own server:

Purchasing your own server requires you to buy all of the physical infrastructure, the software to run your hardware. Reseller hosting requires you to simply buy the services of a web hosting provider and then resell the services to end-users without the need to purchase more sturdy and robust hardware for your hosting needs.

Another significant distinction between the two is the cost of purchasing and maintaining your own server.

What is reseller hosting?

Reseller web hosting is a hosting type in which several hosting providers purchase reseller hosting packages from a single hosting provider. Furthermore, they sell it to their consumers.

Reseller hosting is when an individual or organization rents or purchases bandwidth and disc space from a web hosting expert cooperative and then resells it to a third party.

It’s possible to have 05 to any number of different cPanel accounts depending on the reseller package you choose.

If you have clients that want both a domain and web hosting, you may acquire a managed reseller hosting plan and sell it as a package along with other services.

Some of the advantages of reseller hosting:

Reduced cost 

In reseller hosting, customers get to acquire bandwidth and storage at a wholesale price. It means anything they sell will either make half or full profit once the resale of internet hosting services begins.

Managed hosting

In reseller hosting, all support and assistance inquiries are handled by the reseller company. Customers that purchase reseller internet hosting do not have to deal with customer care. Apart from convincing them to place a purchase order with the service, it’s not necessary to take care of any prospects.

Account options

Some reseller accounts enable upgrades for additional benefits such as more storage and bandwidth. Some enhanced service options may include unlimited storage and bandwidth, which may boost a reseller’s earnings potential to infinity if they put in the effort to obtain the needed internet hosting available to their customers.


With any service provider, reliability is always a problem. Resellers can support their customers by providing enough bandwidth and storage to help them cut down on costs.

The best reseller host in the market: MilesWeb

MilesWeb is an Indian web hosting firm established in 2012. The company furnishes hosting plans under shared, linux VPS hosting, reseller, dedicated, WordPress, cloud hosting. They are best known for providing the most reliable web hosting plans and services. MilesWeb, to date, have 30,000+ happy customers. They provide 24/7/365 customer support and the highest uptime guarantee. Also, you get a 30-day money-back guarantee with all the best reseller hosting India plans.

Reseller hosting plans by MilesWeb:

MilesWeb offers reseller hosting plans for Linux and Windows applications.

Reseller hosting plans for Linux OS:

Micro, Startup, Grow and Expand are the four Linux reseller hosting plans by MilesWeb.

Resources in the base plan Micro:

  • 5 cPanel Accounts
  • 10GB SSD Disk Space
  • Host Unlimited Domains
  • Unlimited Bandwidth
  • Free SSL Certificate
  • cPanel + WHM
  • Softaculous
  • Unlimited MySQL DB’s
  • Unlimited Email Accounts

Resources in the Expand plan:

  • 30 cPanel Accounts
  • 100GB SSD Disk Space
  • Host Unlimited Domains
  • Unlimited Bandwidth
  • Free SSL Certificate
  • cPanel + WHM
  • Softaculous
  • Unlimited MySQL DB’s
  • Unlimited Email Accounts

Reseller hosting plans for Windows OS:

Neo, Entry, Smart and Plus are the four Windows reseller hosting plans by MilesWeb.

Resources in the base plan Neo:

  • 10 Plesk Accounts
  • 20GB SSD Space
  • Unlimited Bandwidth
  • Free SSL Certificate
  • Plesk Onyx 17.x
  • 1-Click App Installer
  • Unlimited SQL DB’s
  • Unlimited Email Accounts
  • Windows Server 2019

Resources in the Plus plan:

  • 60 Plesk Accounts
  • 200GB SSD Space
  • Unlimited Bandwidth
  • Free SSL Certificate
  • Plesk Onyx 17.x
  • 1-Click App Installer
  • Unlimited SQL DB’s
  • Unlimited Email Accounts
  • Windows Server 2019

Perks of buying reseller hosting plans:

  1. Free Migration
  2. Free SSL Certificate
  3. Host Unlimited Websites
  4. 100% White Labeled
  5. 100% SSD Storage
  6. Web Host Manager (WHM)
  7. cPanel Control Panel
  8. One-Click Installer
  9. Free Website Builder
  10. Datacenter Choice
  11. Malware Scan & Protection
  12. Email Service

To conclude:

With MilesWeb, the registration process for reseller programs is simple. They provide a variety of special offers on reseller hosting plans on both the Linux and Windows platforms.

Starting your own hosting company will cost both time and money, and success will not come without planning. However, if you stick with MilesWeb long enough, the outcome will surely appear.

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